Coun­ty and mu­nici­pal elec­tions 2025

In spring 2025, for the first time ever, municipal and county elections are held together and will elect the decision-makers responsible for the services that are essential to each of us in our daily lives.

The councillors elected in these elections will decide, for example, where our daycare centres are located, what size schools and classes our children attend, and how the well-being of senior citizens is supported.

Now we can decide whether our local environment is healthy and biodiverse, whether local authorities contribute to tackling the climate crisis, whether care is appropriate and timely, and whether client charges are affordable.

The municipal and county elections are held on 13 April 2025 – Stand as a candidate now!

Stand as a can­di­da­te

As a candidate for the Left Alliance, you can help make municipalities and wellbeing services counties work better for all, not just for the few.

Il­moit­tau­du tääl­lä

Huo­le­ton­ta ar­kea kai­kil­le! -kier­tue­ai­ka­tau­lu

Kierrämme koko alkuvuoden ajan ympäri Suomea tapaamassa ihmisiä. Tule tapaamaan ja kertomaan meille, millaista sinun arkesi on.

Va­sem­mis­ton kun­ta- ja alue­vaa­lioh­jel­ma

Vasemmistoliiton ratkaisuilla ihmiset voivat arjessa paremmin ja jokaisen hyvinvointi huomioidaan.

Tu­tus­tu oh­jel­maan!