Our goal is to reverse the growth of inequality in Finland and to battle climate change in a socially just and fair manner. To achieve this we need your help. By donating to Left Alliance You will help us run a general election campaign towards a more equal, environmentally sustainable country.
Your donation is important:
5 €
We can run ads of our campaign for equal Finland online for 1000 people.
15 €
We can distribute 400 campaign print magazines around the country.
150 €
We can organize a campaign event, for equal Finland.
Be a monthly endorser?
Would You like to donate a certain amount monthly? Pick your amount and adjust your transaction as per month in your online bank. The Left Alliance account info: IBAN: FI35 5541 2820 0256 67; BIC/SWIFT: OKOYFIHH, reference number 1724 .
Thank You for your contribution. You’ll be with us building an equal nation now and in the future.
The Left Alliance fundraising permit: RA/2018/934.