Congratulations for being eligible to vote for the first time! We sent you a greeting card to congratulate you, because  we think young voter’s voices aren’t heard enough in Finland.

We in the Left want cities and towns to pull their weight in combating the climate crisis and stop burning coal and peat. We want fast access to therapy, free contraceptives for under-25s and reasonably priced housing for all.

Many things close to our lives are at stake in these elections. The councils elected now will decide the future of school resources, public transport, bike routes and parks. We think there ought to be more of these, by the way.

Below you can read more about what we think Finland’s municipalities should look like in the future, find yourself a candidate or check out our insta for current political content – mostly in Finnish, but more multilingual content is on the way.

We work to create a better world where the right to a good life belongs to everyone, and all can have trust in the future. We’d like your vote, but the important thing is to head to the polls either way.

our goals

Get more details about our thoughts and policy plans on the future of your home town.

Read mo­re

find your candidate

Check out our young candidates (and older ones as well, why not) near you. We’re confident you’ll find a good one.

Find your can­di­da­te


See what’s happening in politics on our insta. Still mostly in Finnish, but more multilingual content is on the way.

To ins­ta