Han­na Sark­ki­nen

Hanna Sarkkinen

Electoral district: Oulu

E-mail: hanna.sarkkinen@eduskunta.fi

Tel.: 050 5122606


 Hanna Sarkkinen, born in 1988 is a Member of Parliament, and city Councillor in Oulu. She is a Master of Philosophy by training. In Sanna Marin's cabinet she served as Health & Social Affairs Minister.

I think Finland needs the kind of politics that inspires hope and creativity. We have been doing short-sighted politics focused mostly on cutbacks. We need visions of a better world and of solutions to today’s pressing challenges. 

The Left Alliance is my party because our policies combine the things that I feel most passionate about. These include building an equal society, reducing inequalities and solving climate and environmental crises. 

In politics you get the best results by researching things, making a credible case for one’s argument and by carrying on. Politics is a team sport. So when working together produces great results 

Memberships in Committees and other tasks

  • Finance Committee


Takaisin Kansanedustajat -sivulle