Par­lia­men­ta­ry Elec­tions 2023

A fairer tomorrow is possible with the Left

The Left Alliance has been changing the direction of politics in government. There is still a lot to do. Wars, the pandemic, biodiversity loss and the climate and energy crisis are issues which the individual has little chance of influencing. We must work together and join forces to achieve change. There is strength in working together, which is why your involvement is needed.

When people who care about our common tomorrow vote, we will be able to make it through crises and train new professionals to create well-being for Finland without compromising on climate action.

Vote for the Left Alliance in the parliamentary elections. Together we will create a fairer tomorrow for all, not for the few!

We will ba­lance the eco­no­my fair­ly and sus­tai­nably

A responsible and sustainable economic policy looks beyond government terms. It means fair taxation and investing in the growth of sustainable sectors and the future.

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We will ma­ke Fin­land a pio­neer in just cli­ma­te po­licy

We must act now to stop the climate crisis. Without adequate measures, we will soon pay a high price both in euros and in human terms. The climate crisis must be fought fairly – low-income earners must not be made to pay for the climate crisis.

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We will con­ti­nue to im­pro­ve the sta­te of educa­tion

We have increased the funding of education at all levels and reversed the direction of the policy of cuts that has continued for decades. The work is not finished yet. Finland thrives on expertise, which is why we must continue to invest in education.

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We will sol­ve the social and healthca­re ser­vices cri­sis

Help must be available to everyone. To solve the labour shortage, the working conditions and salaries of those working in the sector must be improved. Accessible and high-quality social and healthcare services are the foundation for a good life.

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Left Alliance candidates in Parliamentary elections 2023