More than 300 people have been detained in police operations in Turkey at the behest of the autocratic Erdogan regime. Among those detained are journalists, lawyers, artists, election campaign organizers, members and leaders of opposition parties as well as activists at NGO’s. In addition, followers of the ruling AKP-party and their far-right support party MHP have targeted opposition representatives in violent attacks.
The campaigning of the Green Left Party YSP has been a target of harassment and suppression from the Turkish authorities. There is a possibility for the ruling AKP party to lose its grip on power in the elections on Sunday the 14th of May. Their response to this has been an attack on democratic rights, civil society and members of the political opposition.
The Left Alliance party of Finland condemns the Erdogan regime’s crackdown on Turkish democracy and civil society. We express our solidarity with those fighting for a democratic future and equal rights in Turkey.
More information
Henrik Jaakkola
Political advisor
tel. 040 500 3380