Li An­ders­son

Li Andersson

Electoral district: Varsinais-Suomi

Email (concerning parliamentary work):

Telephone: +358 40 5088697

Li Andersson (1987) is the Chairperson of the Left Alliance, Member of Parliament, and City Councillor of Turku. In Sanna Marin's cabinet she served as Minister of Education. By training Andersson is a Bachelor of political science. 

I think Finland needs future-oriented policies. For too many years we have lived through times of stringency during which people have been offered bad news and cutbacks. Politics is about changing the world and now we need future-oriented actions more than ever. Reducing inequalities, promoting equality in working life, finding solutions for changing labour markets and the climate crisis require red and green solutions and more humane policies. 

The Left Alliance is my party because it is a party where you do not have to choose between ambitious climate policies and promoting economic equality. The Left Alliance is a party that understands that politics is something one pursues both. 

The Left Alliance is also a party that understands that politics takes place in city councils, in parliament and outside of both of these – among people who yearn for change. 

In politics you get the best results when you understand that change happens when you work tirelessly and in the long run. In politics you need patience, endurance, courage and good glutes. 

Memberships in Committees and other tasks

  • Social Affairs and Health Committee

Contact person

Parliamentary Assistant Aleksi Karppinen
Tel. 050 453 4043


Takaisin Kansanedustajat -sivulle