The­mes and va­lues

The Left Alliance is the fifth biggest political party in Finland. Our goal is a world with justice, equality and sustainability for all, not for the few.

The Left Alliance’s current efforts and policies focus on three themes; equality, environment and the future of work.

Left Alliance strives to build a just Finland for everyone. We want everyone to receive sufficient income, extensive public services and secure, excellent health care and nurture. We are building a society where every child can access quality pre-schooling and elementary education, where everyone can get to the doctor when they need it, possesses an equal opportunity to obtain a decently priced home, and enjoys their work.

In our Finland, no-one is left to face the difficulties of their life alone. Our Finland is built in a way that ensures environmental sustainability, also or the climate. In our Finland, work offers a living and the people enjoy their work more.

Let’s make Finland a better place to live together. For the many. Not for the few.

Re­ducing inequa­li­ty

Finland is dividing into two nations. Some people do well, some fall behind. We wish to turn this development around. Our policies are aimed at increasing equality and compassion and reducing the inequality caused by economic uncertainty. Let us construct an equal Finland together.

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Figh­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge – towards an eco­lo­gical­ly sus­tai­nable Fin­land

A sustainable transfer to a low-carbon society is a task comparable to the construction of the Finnish welfare state. We are fighting climate change and reacting to the threats it causes. We are building an ecologically sustainable Finland.

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Chan­ging the fu­tu­re of work

Finland succeeds the best when every working age person in the country has a chance for fair and secure working life, no matter their age, education, profession and labour market position. Our goal is simple: we wish to construct Finland to be a trendsetter in working life equality, where working efficiency is raised by increasing the welfare of the workers, not by attacking them.

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Target programME 2020 – 2023

The Left Alliance wants to put a high value on honest labour. A decent wage and good working conditions belong to all – to workers, small entrepreneurs and the self-employed, to people in fixed-term as well as in regular work contracts.

Left Al­liance’s goals 2020–2023


Finland and the whole world need a thorough change in order to establish socially and ecologically sustainable and equal societies. The aim of this document is to describe that vision and sketch out the routes we can take to achieve that goal.