Figh­ting cli­ma­te chan­ge – towards an eco­lo­gical­ly sus­tai­nable Fin­land

According to research, the climate is getting warmer, and the last few years have seen the climate records being continuously surpassed. According to the 2018 report of the international IPCC panel of the United Nations, climate change should be stalled at 1,5 degrees in the 2020s by cutting carbon emissions drastically and aiming for no emissions by 2050. The time is running out: unless we act now, climate change may become uncontrollable. This would mean that life on Earth could no longer continue in its current form.

The progress of climate change and the downturn in the natural diversity affect people’s everyday lives and living conditions all around the world, including Finland, where climate change increases the average temperatures faster than the global average. In Finland, the climate is predicted to heat up approximately 2-5 degrees by 2050.This would, among other things, increase rainfall and forest fires and increase the amount of vermin threatening the forests and agriculture. On the other hand, it is also possible that rapidly progressing climate change would weaken the Gulf stream heating up northern Europe considerably, lowering the average Finnish temperatures by approximately ten degrees compared to the rest of the world.

The progress of climate change and the aim to combat it is connected to the everyday life and living standards of the people. Life, food production and consumption together form a considerable part of the people’s carbon footprint. Climate change and the end of natural diversity are also tied to communal differences.

Because there’s no time to waste, the combatting of climate change must become the starting point of all societal decision-making. Thus, Left Alliance advances a durable structural change to improve the state of the environment and increase justice and welfare. The core of this change is in the controlled reorganization of living, transport, agriculture and the use of energy and a managed transfer to a circular economy, where the goal is reusing resources and nutrients and minimizing the use of virgin resources and non-renewable natural resources. Our reform ensures that social justice and economical sustainability continue and the requirements for businesses to flourish are met.