– We need a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and for all violence to come to a halt in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the entire Israel. The only way to solve the conflict permanently is through international pressure on Israel to stop both building settlements and evicting Palestinians from their homes, says Paavo Arhinmäki, Chair of the Left Alliance Parliamentary Group.
The only way to solve the conflict permanently is through international pressure on Israel to stop both building settlements and evicting Palestinians from their homes.
After the publication of the statement, a ceasefire took place the following night.
The situation has escalated due the inhumane occupation politics carried out by Israel: the illegal blockade of Gaza, the building of settlements that is against international law, the evictions of Palestinians from their homes as well as their systematic oppression.
Human Rights Watch recently published a report stating that the Israeli authorities’ practices towards Palestinians constitute as crimes of apartheid and persecution. These are crimes against humanity. The report clearly states that Palestinians have to endure systematic oppression and inhumane actions from Israel.
Finland takes part in supporting Israel’s occupation politics by continuing arms trade with Israel.
The Left Alliance Parliamentary Group states that the international community has not been able to unambiguously condemn the violence Israel practises on Palestinians, and this has caused the crisis to deepen and continue.
– Finland takes part in supporting Israel’s occupation politics by continuing arms trade with Israel. Finland must seize all arms trade with Israel, both the export and import of weapons, Arhinmäki says.
– In addition, Finland is currently allowing the import of settlement products, such as foodstuff, despite the fact that the international community condemns the settlements set up in Palestinian territories as illegal. We need to put a stop to the import of settlement goods immediately.
Even though the UN declared already in 1948 that the goal is to build both an arab and a jew state within Palestine, Palestine still remains without an independent state of its own. Instead, Palestinians suffer from the longest occupation of modern history.
– The Left Alliance Parliamentary Group insists that Finland should finally officially recognize the state of Palestine. The Palestinian people have the right for existence and a state of their own.
More information:
Paavo Arhinmäki
tel. +358 5 05 12 17 13